Access Control in Courthouse
Automatic Identification of Vehicles in a Access Control System
A Courthouse in middle Italy need to automatically manage accesses to the inside parking area, ensuring a level of security appropriate for structure.
The request
Being able to eliminate the error in optical control (10 errors in 100 accesses) and the difficulties of identification in the event of adverse weather conditions like rain, fog, snow or anything that can reduce a perfect view.To the other side the RFID systems are able to offer complete security with encrypted code, with a 100% reading in all weather conditions, going far beyond the limits of optical detection.
The solution
The solution has been to integrate both types of system, using RFID technology for the control of standard accesses and the OCR system for the detection of occasional accesses of users without RFID tags managed with a software capable of handling a single Data Base.
The solution was found in the integration of a system of "Total Gate Control" employing a Reader TagMaster LR-6 for manage ID-Tag recognition and alphanumeric code coming by OCR camera.