Terminal for Minute Stop
Parking time display in real time
Vehicle detection and parking time display
Small car parks help revitalize the city center by providing cars with easy access to shops. The rotation on the equipped seats is significantly improved.The parked vehicle is detected by a sensor integrated into the ground *; his time of presence is then automatically materialized from the beginning of a countdown of the residual time (green) and the elapsed time (red) on a terminal placed near the square.
The bollard light is designed to be seen both locally by the driver and from a distance by the residents. The social pressure of the surrounding people remains the key to respecting parking times.
It has a small diameter of 110 m. Its position on a sidewalk, even narrow, does not obstruct the passage of pedestrians with strollers. It has two synchronized or separate side displays to manage two parking spaces at the same time.
The circle:
- Consisting of 48 LEDs, it is visible at 70m. Off when space is free, it lights up green when a car is detected and then red when the authorized parking time is exceeded.
The digital counter:
- Counts down the remaining time in green. When it reaches 0, the time exceeded counts in red.
The pictograms:
- They allow you to dynamically indicate the type of space: P MINute, P DELIVERY, FREE, Reduced mobility, etc.