WasteManagemet Rfid Tag for smart dumpster
Supply WasteManagemet Rfid Tag
Alia Servizi Ambientali SpA is the large management company of environmental services in Central Tuscany. Today it ranks among the most important utilities in Tuscany. Among the first companies operating in the waste sector is established as the fifth player nationwide, for turnover, inhabitants served and quantity of waste collected. Their organization is among the most functional and well managed, thanks to the innovative technologies they have been using for years. The company carries out the service in 49 municipalities, for a basin of users of about 1,500,000 inhabitants, collects every year about 823 thousand tons of waste, has a workforce of over 1,800 employees, with about 1,000 service vehicles and an estimated annual turnover for 2017 in € 225 million.The request
Among the many projects carried out by the subject, particular interest is given by the revolution brought about by the new ones high-tech transfer systems: bins Intelligent, so-called Smart Bins or Digital. The adoption of these systems revolutionizes the methods of relationship between users and Alia and are strategic part of it dedicated projects, such as the operating Firenze Circolare . a impressive project, the new waste management plan of the City of Florence, coordinated and designed by the administration of the Tuscan capital together with service manager Alia Servizi Ambientali S.p.A.The heart of the plan is the change in the collection system differentiated, to improve the quality and quantity, getting closer and closer to the realization of a circular economy, with the use of intelligent waste management systems. This is also thanks to an important conscious participation work carried out towards each citizen, who will receive all the useful tools to do correctly separate waste collection, creating increasingly responsible citizens (Smart People). Between these certainly the most innovative is Il new A-Pass the electronic passe-partout e custom that allows - as well as open the Smart Bins - also of access multiple services offered by Alia. A-Pass is therefore the electronic Rfid key staff that will allow you to record each single contribution made. The pass is a Rfid tag with aesthetic characteristics e technologies designed and built by TagItalia.
The Smart Dumpster Project o “Digital” was rated so positively to be activated also in other areas and provinces in similar programs; in large areas such as the province of Pistoia, in the Empoli area or in the Mugello area.
The results
Generale Sistemi srl has obtained the role of supplier for the A-Pass tags following a selection process that has it view offer the best guarantees of success at best conditions necessary for the customer, as well as being one of the few companies already included in the Green sector Economy. An important supply that was activated in the first place phase in 2020, with a first batch of about 100,000 units, The experience in the product has allowed General Systems to confirm their ability to respond within times and conditions to Alia's needs and therefore a confirm the second tranche of production and supply. A supply with a two-year contract and a forecast of about one million additional A-passes .An important milestone for the TagItalia brand which confirms its leadership in the production of Rfid, with a special focus in the industrial sector and, for massive supplies, especially in the Waste Management area. The ability to respond to requests for mass production of RFID tags, in urgent conditions is a requirement extremely important witnessed by this order, especially in this two-year period 2021-23, where the chip procurement problems, but also other materials, are the most critical in the programming of widespread services.
TagItalia boasts contracts for the TagRfid supply of different formats and technologies , including particular ones, in the context WasteManagement (think of a further supply of Potted Tag for tubs recently concluded, by 300,000 units) and acts as a technological integrator also in other areas of the Waste world: from fleet control with automatic registration at weighing machines or loading systems. TagItalia is also present in the area safety with man down identification devices inside the recycling chains or the latest technology of personal identification in secure areas the so-called Real Time Location System RTLS .